The short film starts off with the thumbnail of the video. The title is placed on the top right corner of the screen. The font is in a straightforward and easy to read font and is also white, which connotes that a person who is 'good' and 'pure' is the one being stalked. This is because the colour white connotes goodness and pureness. The picture of a couple is slightly off the middle, breaking the rule of thirds, so perhaps these two people are the main victims of the film. Since, the photo is in the rubbish bin, in the dark, next to a toilet roll an cotton bud, it could connote that the villain is trying to get rid of them like they are piece of trash.

The fact that the film started off with a voicemail can link to Barthes symbolic code as the phone in this film may be significant in making the narrative fit to the horror genre.
The next shot is of a mid close up of the girl of an Asian ethnicity. She is putting on make up, implying that she us ready to go out / to go to a party. As soon as the voice message ends with "I'll see you soon, bye" there is the non diegetic sound of a door slamming. It sounds as if someone has entered the house. She stops doing her eye makeup and jumps and breathes heavily as she is frightened. Her hand is still in a position where she was going to apply her makeup, which connotes that she knows someone is there but is scared to move. She then shakes it off, thinking that it was all in her head. From this, the audience can tell that maybe she thought the sound of the door slamming was in her head but in fact it was in reality. This created an omniscient narrative as the audience know some parts of the narrative that the main character does not.

There is a jump cut to the next scene which is a wide shot of her choosing what to wear from her wardrobe, which is outside of her room. This is a stereotype of women as they have lots of clothes but still don't know what to wear. The fact that she is choosing her clothes could foreshadow that it is the clothes she might be attacked in.

Throughout the film, there is a whirring/buzzing sound that only stops once she gets out of her flat. This could connote that the whirring is something that was persuading her to come out, and now tat she s outside, the real danger is about to happen. Usually in psychological horror movies there is a convention of having a whirring / buzzing sound to connote that someone is not in the right mind set, and this film has followed this convention. After the scene where she gets out of the house, daunting non diegetic music enters the scene. This carries on until she hears a phone ringing somewhere nearby.

There is a low angled close up shot of her face to show her emotions. She is looking down at the phone like this may be the last time she takes a call. She looks around to see if anyone is there before she picks up the phone. She picks it up and listens carefully but there are only metallic and eerie sounds that we can hear that sound like chimes. These sounds fit in with the horror genre as they are used in other movies and also make the movie scary. When she starts to gasp and run away, we as the audience know that we didn't hear at was being said at the other end of the line, which creates an enigma code. She was probably being threatened and scared away.
The phone is left dangling in the middle as she was too much in shock to put it back. This non diegetic metallic sound continues. There is tracking shot of the girl running back in the streets, running as fast as she can and half looking back to make sure there is no one thereto get her. She runs all the way down until a little corner where she coughs and catches her breath. She takes her phone out and makes a call whilst she carries on walking into the darkness whilst looking back. Suddenly someone grabs her and she screams.
The credits then appear on screen, leaving an enigma code and the audience wondering at happened to her.
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